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Classically Conditioned

"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." -


Aldous Huxley


Is there such a thing as an absolute waste of time?

This is the question that framed my goal with this project. For this capstone project, I wanted my piece to be a meditation not just on classical music, my discipline; and passion, but also on one concept: preservation. We hear about “preserving the arts” a lot, but it’s hardly explored or understood what the idea of “preservation” entails; what’s being preserved? I wanted to explore this through the medium of classical music in three perspectives: classical music as an industry, a personal hobby, and as an overall idea.


My aim with this piece wasn’t necessarily to arrive at an explicit conclusion. At the time of writing this introduction, I still haven’t solidified my thoughts on the questions I raise, and that's perfectly ok with me. I wanted the reader to explore these questions with me and understand the turmoil and curiosity I've felt while writing.

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